Thursday, 5 July 2012

The 4th July

The day to hide the British accent finally rolled round. After landing in the morning on the red-eye from San Fran, taking desperately needed showers and emptying the contents of our suitcases into the washing machine, we were treated to 4th July (red, white and blue) popsicles. Much needed and appreciated.

I then decided not to wear my union jack t-shirt as we headed to Pine Point beach. We met up with Theresa and Tom's family at their lovely cottage and then braved the Atlantic after being such wusses in the Pacific. We had a wonderful swim and had to be chased out of the waves by the ominous clouds above and rumblings of thunder.

After a yummy dinner and a huge helping of Creme de menthe pie, sheets of rain poured from the sky and it looked like after-dark celebrations would be cancelled (as would any chance of us having anything to wear as ALL our clothes were on the washing line 20 miles away).

Luckily, it stopped in time for us to see a brief glimmer of sunset...

Then the pyromania began. Fireworks were exploding in every direction. We chased about the place trying to get the best views. As we did so, our eyes were drawn to nature's 4th July show. Out at sea, there was a spectacular show of heat lightning. The clouds were constantly lighting up with flashes. It was like someone messing about with several torches behind curtains. Every so often there would be a really bright flash and jagged forks reached out across the sky. It was truly awesome and far outshone the paltry efforts of man.

Nature definitely kicked butt and gave us a 4th July to remember!

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