Sunday, 2 October 2011

I am so not cool

If anyone was in any doubt, tonight proved the above. Sarah said I had to blog about my ineptitude so here goes...
On the way to the cinema/movies, I decided I needed a coffee and should take advantage of the wonderful world of drive-thru cafes. Bearing in mind that I haven't been through a drive-thru for years and years and years, I don't think I did that badly, afterall who expects a voice to come from the middle of a massive neon menu???
I pulled up way past it and was about to speak into a garbage can I believe, much to Sarah's amusement, so on instruction I reversed back (luckily there was nothing behind me) but went past the menu as surely that couldn't be where the voice was coming from, but oh yes it was...eventually I got myself into vaguely the right position and managed to make an order despite then being flustered by whether I wanted milk or cream, sugar, this or that. Luckily I had a dark room to crawl to and recover from my trauma. I don't think I would pass as an American yet!!
As an aside, I would fully recommend the film. We saw 50/50, a heart warming film about a guy's battle with cancer and the friendships that make and break along the way. Sounds depressing, but it was humurous and touching. Well worth a watch.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha! Liv, you didn't tell them of all the adventures of the night......but maybe this is enough! Thanks for a great roommie date!! Back to correcting papers....
