Monday, 31 October 2011

Happy snowy halloween!

First snow in Maine...apparently a surprise to all those who live here too. I am being laughed at by many people here as I wander round already bundled up. "What ya gonna do when it really gets cold?" Err...wear even more!
What is amazing though is how fast the response to snow is here. Snow Saturday night, all plowed Sunday morning. Not quite the UK response! I went out in the sparking sunshine late yesterday for a run. I  kept to the road and didn't slide at all or get my feet soaked in slush.
Luckily we didn't get hit too badly here, although like with the hurricane, many people lost power for hours and hours. Being on the main town circuit is very advantageous for us!

Today I experienced Halloween American style. Someone at school had the idea of playing 'where's Waldo?' (or Wally to us Brits - who knew, another cultural difference!) so all teachers dressed in stripes and jeans and the kids had to spot the real Waldo. My class, slightly slow to cotton on, thought that it was slightly strange that Emily and I were dressed the same...

This aftrenoon, we had a party in class at school to launch our new reading unit on characters so children came as their favourite realistic fiction character and then got to eat cookies, cake and a token fruit or vegetable too. Sadly though, not many of these were home made due to power outages...and I was looking forward to some home made brownies. Children did have to do a little work first, stepping into role as their character and describing themselves to the class and their parents. It was a lovely event!
Then tonight we lit our lanterns and the twinkly lights for the trick or treaters. I stayed home for a while, then left Hagrid to deal with the madding crowds...

 whilst I went to experience what it was like out in the wild streets of Cumberland. Look who I found...

Too cute! Happy Halloween!

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