Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

Well I'm now 28 which seemed scarily old when the children, following in the U.S birthday tradition, chanted "Are you 1? Are you 2?..." Realizing that this could take a while, I asked them to count in 2s and it still took an age. I think I prefer the UK add on to Happy Birthday involving champagne on chocolate aeroplanes on the way to Spain in the rain...

I had a throughly lovely American birthday which started on Friday with a celebration at Theresa's house. Lots of great company from school and wonderful food. The icing on the cake was quite literally an enormous carrot cake which had been made by the local European bakery. Theresa had dashed to collect it at lunch time only to find the message said 'Happy Birthday Liz'...a smudge of icing later and all was well. It didn't affect the taste...mmmmmmmm!

On Sunday I had a birthday dinner with Sarah and Stuart and another cake. Their singing of 'Happy birthday' complete with harmonies will be hard to ever beat (sorry Mum, Kath and Jim...maybe it was the skype connection?!) I'm also very excited about their birthday gift - we're going on a moose safari into Western Maine once the weather gets a little better!

Then yesterday, I had not one but two delicious cakes at school and got home in time to open my parcels with Mum, Jim and Kath via skype. I was then whisked off for dinner with Anne and the restuarant presented me with another little cake which sadly/luckily for my waistline I couldn't eat as I'm on chocolate deprivation for lent. Oh to be such a devout non-christian! 

All in all a near perfect 28th birthday (perfection would have been having everyone from home miraculously shipped over to celebrate too) so a huge thank you to everyone for messages, emails, cards and presents. Once again I was reminded of how lucky I am.

A piece of advice from Dad...see, there's a reason I'm eating so much cake!

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