What a week it's been. Several children needed peeling down from the ceiling as excitement built. We were just glad when Thursday finally rolled round and we could go and celebrate with dinner and drinks at the Tavern.
We had a Solstice party on Wednesday which was lots of fun with truffle making, gingerbread decorating and then an English tea. An amazing team of parent volunteers swooped into action and set up the room with cups and saucers and toasted crumpets. A few children braved the marmite option and many enjoyed the tea largely due to copious quantities of sugar...the afternoon was lively!
This morning I had a Christmas breakfast with Sarah, Stuart and Sofia which was lovely and I'm now sat in Logan airport after narowly escaping frost bite on the bus down from Portland. I could barely feel my extremeties. I had the foresight to wear my fluffy snow boots but didn't think to pack mittens. Every American airport I have been in so far has been really really boring and this is no exception. I've just wolfed a whoopie pie (Maine's state desert don't you know) followed by an apple to try and neutralise some of the badness and now have to try and pace myself before breaking up the monotony with a trip to Starbucks. Oh well, it's all worth it. I am SO looking forward to being home!
I just wish I could meet the new addition to the family, Jenny and Ceri's new baby. Welcome to the world baby Edward!
It has also been blooming cold this week and i've been quite right in claiming 'it's (insert choice word) freezing' -12C on Monday morning...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
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