Thursday, 11 August 2011

Can I come home? I've just done a temperature conversion...

People here have been chuckling about winter time in Maine since I arrived, sharing knowing looks with each other and talking about ice storms and temperatures falling below 0. Now you have to understand that 0 here means 0 degrees Farenheit which I have just converted into Celsius...MINUS EIGHTEEN!!!!!!! WHAT? I had no idea that it would be that cold. I may choose to hibernate and/or become the michelin woman unrecognisable under all of my clothes.

Now on a positive note, I was shown another running route today in a different direction. It involved a little ride across a small lake on a leaky canoe (where they ice fish in winter...a little clue about the cold) and then running back the other side. When we got back into town, we spotted 2 fawns grazing behind the church with their mother. They were beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Liv, this is so cool and I have loved reading about the start of your adventure, and its fab that you can put pictures up to. Looks like you are having a great time, and I am so pleased that people are looking after you. When does term start?
    I think I will look at your blog every Thursday before I send you an e-mail on my PPA. That way I can see what you have been doing before I e-mail.
    Lots of love and can't wait for the next update :)
